




Creating an app that makes organization easier for roommates and students.

Our primary target users are college students and young professionals living in apartments and houses with roommates.

  • Our app’s unique selling point is that it is specifically designed with this group of target user in mind. Other apps that are currently available focus on general household management with parents giving kids rewards for completing chores and other features that are not applicable to college students.


UI/UX Design

Visual Design


Individual Project


Fall 2021

Aug - Dec


Roomie is an app that helps you and your roommates keep track of chores, events, expenses and more. Our main features are managing chores, organizing events, calculating expenses, and sending users reminders. 

This project was researched, prototyped, designed, and tested as a part of Chris Swain’s ITP 310: User Interface and Design course at USC. All work was done over a 10 week period in Fall 2021.

UX Storytelling Persona/Scenarios




Low Fidelity Prototype & User Testing

Wireframes were all done through Figma.


Usability Testing

For this part, I wanted to do a survey and just ask questions to people on the overall design and first impressions with the app.

Through the overall survey and interviews, here are the key points that I have learned.

Visual Design


High Fidelity Prototype

Wireflow Diagram

My high fidelity prototype was designed in Figma. The wireflow diagram and user interfaces took a bit longer than usual, but the extra time went into creative exploration, and I am happy with what I have learned.



This is the full prototype for Roomie

